Vijay Mithra

My dottings ....

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Herbs with Pictures

check link:

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Beej Mantras

Pick a Beej Mantra of your liking or based on thesituation, and recite it as much as you can till theproblem is solved.

Kali: Kreem

For realization for Goddess Kali, health, strength, protection, elimination of enemies, solution of grave problems and all round success. Also creates a strongbase for Kali Mahavidya Sadhana.

Mahalaxmi: Shreem

For realization for Goddess Mahalaxmi, wealth, material gains, success in business or profession, elimination of ailments & worries, protection, gettinga beautiful wife, happy married life and all roundsuccess. Also creates a strong base for other Mahalaxmi Sadhanas.

Shiv: Hroum

For realization for Lord Shiv, protection from deadlydiseases, immortality, moksh and all round success. Also creates a strong base for Mahamrutyunjay Sadhana.

Durga: Doom (D as in Durga)

For realization for Goddess Durga, power, strength,protection, health, wealth, victory, wisdom, knowledge, elimination of enemies & grave problems, happy married life and all round success. Also createsa strong base for other Durga Sadhanas, ShaktiS adhanas and Mahavidya Sadhanas.

Bhuvaneshwari: Hreem

For realization for Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, getting everything including but not limited to Kundalini Jagran. The best and the most powerful. This also the mantra for Bhuvaneshwari Mahavidya Sadhana. Alsocreates a strong base for all sadhanas.

Saraswati: Ayeim

For realization of Goddess Saraswati, knowledge, wisdom, success in exams, pleasure and all round success. Also creates a strong base for other Saraswati sadhanas.

Ganapati: Gam

For realization of Lord Ganapati, knowledge, wisdom, protection, fortune, happiness, health, wealth, elimination of all obstacles and all round success. Also creates a strong base for other Ganapatisadhanas.

Hanuman: Fraum

For realization of Lord Hanuman, unlimited strength,power, protection, wisdom, happiness, elimination ofbad spirits & ghosts, victory over enemies and allround success. Also creates a strong base for otherHanuman sadhanas.

Vishnu: Dam

For realization of Lord Vishnu, wealth, health, protection, happy married life, happiness, victory and all round success. Also creates a strong base for other Vishnu sadhanas.

Bhairav: Bhram

For realization of Lord Bhairav, success in Mahavidya or Shakti sadhanas, strength, protection, victory,health, wealth, happiness, fame, success in courtcases, elimination of enemies, success in Shmashansadhanas and all round success. Also creates a strong base for other Bhairav sadhanas.

Dhoomavati: Dhoom

For realization of Goddess Dhoomavati, quick elimination of all adversaries, strength, fortune, protection, health, wealth and all round success. Alsocreates a strong base for Dhoomavati Mahavidya sadhana.

Bagalamukhi: Hleem

For realization of Goddess Bagalamukhi, quickelimination of all enemies, fierce power, victory, fame, elimination of tantra badha, nullifying maranproyogs of enemies and all round success. Also createsa strong base for Bagalamukhi Mahavidya sadhana.

Tara: Treem

For realization of Goddess Tara, unending monetarygain, unlimited wealth, fortune, fame, happiness, victory and all round success. Also creates a strongbase for Tara Mahavidya sadhana.

Narsimha: Kshraum

For realization of Lord Narsimha, quick victory overenemies, elimination of enemies, fortune and all roundsuccess. Also creates a strong base for other Narsimhasadhanas.

Nikhileshwaranand: Nim

For realization of our Guruji is his Nikhileshwaranand form. Paramhans Swami Nikhileshwaranand is the controller of Siddhashram, a place divine even to gods. He has all the powers, all the siddhis, yet he is very much accessible. All it takes is dedication.There are millions of deities, gods and powers; andnumerous sadhanas for them; but, the secret of aquiring everything in one go is my guruji, Paramhans Swami Nikhileshwaranand Maharaj. Also creates a strong base for all sadhanas.

Kuber: Dhham

For realization of Lord Kuber, massive monetary gain,wealth, fortune and all round success. Also creates astrong base for other Kuber sadhanas.

Akash Tatva: Ham

For activating the Akash Tatva (space element) in us which gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments related to this element. Activation of all elements leads to quicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak to access all supernatural powers.

Agni Tatva: Ram

For activating the Agni Tatva (fire element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments relatedto this element. Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak toaccess all supernatural powers.

Vayu Tatva: Yam

For activating the Vayu Tatva (air element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments relatedto this element. Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak toaccess all supernatural powers.

Prithvi Tatva: Ksham

For activating the Prithvi Tatva (earth element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments relatedto this element. Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak toaccess all supernatural powers.

Shanti (Peace): Tam

For getting rid of disease, worry, fear and illusions.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Power of Thought

Before explaining of power of thought, I wish to give a broad perspective or overview of the working system of man in all its potential dimensions. To know the nature of thought force in its fundamental depth, one must visualize the naturally sophisticated mechanism of the physical body and that mysterious phenomenon: the indwelling life-force. Visualize the Divine, Omniscient Consciousness, which, taking its seat in the life-force and working wonderfully, expands or shrinks to any dimension, linking macrocosm and microcosm

The bio-magnetic field, charged by the whirling motion of the life-force particles is the field for the functioning of consciousness, for all feelings, and for getting connected to the Universal Magnetism. It works unimaginable wonders in individuals, in the human society, and in the universe itself. Magnetically, electrically, and chemically the body is directed, controlled and conditioned by three systems:

The central nervous system (voluntary functions)
The autonomous nervous system (involuntary functions, like breathing, digestion of food, growth of the body etc.)
The universal wave system (comprising the entirety of unseen forces, imprinted from the beginning of time, in the universe as cosmic Consciousness.)

Similar to Recording on an Audio Cassette

When any sensation is felt in the mind of man, it first affects the bio-magnetic field and the limbs, senses and organs of the body. Then, with the constantly spreading wave, it affects the atmosphere, other persons, (particularly those related with feeling), then it reflects on the universe, and affects the Cosmic Consciousness.

All these effects are imprinted in the life-force particles of the body, the life-force particles of the people of society, and in the energy particles of the universal field.
Do not be puzzled by all this process of imprints, wondering how it can be possible. Remember, the wave from every particle, field or mass, has a magnetic nature. When it clashes on any particle, field or mass, its magnetism becomes mechanically, electrically and chemically characterized according to the nature of the mass or field.

So every clash makes an imprint in the energy particles. This is similar to recording on an audio cassette. Once imprinted, it becomes the character of the particles. Field and mass are the magnifying media for reflection of imprints. According to the media of imprint, the same media is required to induce and allow its reflection. The mechanisms of television, radio and computer illustrates this principle.

When the spreading wave is radiated from the particles, the wave carries all the qualities or characteristics of the particle. When it clashes against another particle, the same character, as conveyed by the wave, gets imprinted on that particle. This is the law of Nature. And this fact should be kept in mind when considering the nature of thought force.

Thought Psychic Scenario

Let us now proceed to understand the nature of the emergence of thought. Any feeling is the result of some shock in man's magnetic field. Various psychic activities develop following the feeling. For example, one feels hunger. Hunger is an uncomfortable feeling which cannot be tolerated for a long time. Food is taken and the feeling of hunger is satisfied.

The feeling, thought of taking food, act of consuming and satisfying the hunger, are all imprinted in the life-force particles. When the feeling of hunger comes again, the entire psychic scenario appears in the inner vision. This is thought. Sometime, even if one is not feeling hungry, when the mind is not otherwise engaged, the bio-magnetic wave automatically being emitted from the life-force particles, will bring out those imprints as thought. Every such imprint is made on the life-force particles through, the media of the body cells and the brain cells. A line of arrangement in the cells of the body, limbs, and senses is made depending on the feeling or action. When the same line is activated again, it will act and cause an urge for the same action by reflection.
Physical action goes to the spiritual imprints and spiritual imprints will activate the physical imprints. This will involve a person in the same actions repeatedly. Once the mind is engaged in feeling, the imprint occurs. Reflection of the imprints in the physical realm is the urge for action.

Pain, Pleasure, Peace & Ecstasy

In the waking state, according to the conversion level of the bio-magnetism, the mind can work in four stages:
peace and

The Pain is aggravated state of conversion of bio-magnetism. It causes disturbance to the flow of bio-magnetism in the body cells and brain cells. Pleasure is an accelerated state of converting the bio-magnetism. It converts only the surplus bio-magnetism in the body cells and brain cells. It converts this bio-magnetism on a slightly higher level than normal by eliminating the surplus energy at a tolerable level for the body cells and brain cells. Peace is the state of normal conversion of bio-magnetism.

It maintains the body cells and brain cells in equilibrium. Ecstasy is a very low conversion level of bio-magnetism that results from engagement of the mind in the natural beauties and secrets of the universe and in knowing the existence and functions of the Self (consciousness). Every stage of mental function will affect, harmoniously or otherwise the entire body, brain, endocrine system and sexual vital fluid in their respective functions.

When one thinks of a friend and blesses him, then the working force of mind will be of a certain frequency and character whereby it will radiate a harmonious wave to all parts of the body. If one thinks of an enemy and curses him, the force of the mind will then be aggravated in its frequency and character.
As a result, this wave will disturb the whole body. By blessing or cursing, the thinker is first characterizing himself, and thereby does either good or bad to himself. The thought-wave then affects the atmosphere and the person concerned.

How to Sublimate the Psychic Function?

In addition, once a blessing or a curse is imprinted in two persons, the interaction between them goes on continuously, and the good or bad effect becomes perpetuated.
Such is the potential and power of thought. If one neglects dealing with the power of thought properly, through lack of knowledge, what will happen?

Our own treasure of life is the accumulation of imprints. All the imprints are derived from three actions:
speech and

So, we would give due respect to thought force and always be aware of our thoughts whether they are reflection of another's or our own. Focusing our thought on our behavior and personality is a process of streamlining and sublimating all our psychic functions.
Imaginary expectation resulting from greed without reference to Providence or to our own action or hatred such scheming to cause pain and loss to others, these are manifestations of improper thinking and wasteful use of the thought force.

Because we have hereditary imprints and imprints of deeds committed in the present life, degrading thoughts and pain-resulting actions may get reflected again and again. But, through the systematic psychic practice of meditation, and through the practice of disciplining one's deeds under guidance of spiritual preceptor, one can come to the right path of life.

Concept of golden energy ball

Energy can be made to flow with respect to our goals. This Energy ball brings the expected results from cosmos/almighty.

We are making energy into flow (Dynamic state) from static state. According to Quantum Physics, the origin is only empty space , but filled with energies. Einstein derived Mass Energy Equation (ie. E=Mc^2). According to this formula, energy can be converted into matter and matter can be converted into energy.

Similarly whatever project you have, it has its own frequency and energy. If we knock the project with right frequency, it will be exhibit its own. According to De-Broglie's Wave Length thoery, in this universe each and everything exhitibits/vibrates with its own frequency and wavelength.

Project to be materialised = Amount of Energy Required to that Project "divide by" Emptyness/Almighty penetration.

If the project has greater energy, result will be out of frame. If it has lesser energy, project will be failure. Energy is constant for the project. We can regulate the denominator factor. Thus the equation is balanced and project is getting into materialisation.

If you have keen interest to learn about this, kindly read the following:

Quantum Mechanics by Gupta Kumar Sarma
Quantum Mechanics by Eigen Merzhbagar
Nuclear Physics by Irving Kaplan
Heat and Thermodynamic by R.D.Mathur
Unified Force by Vethathiri
Mind by Vethathiri
Mind and its Control by Swami Bhuddhananda.
Entrophy(Article) by K.Raveendran
Univers(Article) by K.Raveendran
Are We Alone(about ET) by K.Raveendran
Mind Engineering by K.Raveendran
Art of Excellence by K.Raveendran

Meditation Shown to Reduce Aging

A recent study by Harvard instructor Dr. Sara W. Lazar, has shown that meditation can help to increase brain function, reduce the effects of aging on the brain, and improve concentration and memory. Lazar, whose primary appointment is at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), initiated the study as a response to claims that meditation improved brain function and reduced the effects of aging.
According to Dr. Lazar, no previous work had been done to actually analyze the physiological effects of one’s thoughts. However, this study provided “some really strong physical evidence that there are some long-term physical affects” of meditation, she said. “Dr. Lazar’s findings are relatively unique; they show that the mind, through practice, can increase the thickness of the prefrontal cortex,” according to fellow corroborator on the study, Dr. Herbert Benson—the Mind/Body Medical Institute Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. This thickening of the cortex is contrary to what should happen as the brain ages so the researchers concluded that the meditation was responsible for this physical effect. “When compared to age match controls, the people who weren’t evoking the relaxation response had thinner cortexes,” commented Benson. The group that was tested ranged from 25-50-year-olds who meditated lightly—approximately 40 minutes a day. The implications of these findings could be very important, said Lazar and Benson.
After completing this study, Lazar said she believes, “The effects of meditation can counter the effect of age.” If the findings of the study can be confirmed through follow-up research, meditation could be prescribed just like any other healthcare, said Benson. Benson said he believes this study shows that meditation is just “one of scores of techniques that bring about a physiologic response.”
Meditation, according to Benson, is one of the weapons in the arsenal of fighting aging of the brain. A follow-up study is being planned by Lazar to confirm the findings of her research. In the new study, people will be tested at two points in time, once before meditation starts and once after to show the effects meditation has specifically on memory and attention, she explained. As people live longer than ever before, aging brains become a significant problem.
Lazar said she hopes to shed more light on how meditation might be used to combat this aging and perhaps even reverse it.

A recent study by Harvard instructor Dr. Sara W. Lazar, has shown that meditation can help to increase brain function, reduce the effects of aging on the brain, and improve concentration and memory.
Lazar, whose primary appointment is at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), initiated the study as a response to claims that meditation improved brain function and reduced the effects of aging. According to Dr. Lazar, no previous work had been done to actually analyze the physiological effects of one’s thoughts.
However, this study provided “some really strong physical evidence that there are some long-term physical affects” of meditation, she said. “Dr. Lazar’s findings are relatively unique; they show that the mind, through practice, can increase the thickness of the prefrontal cortex,” according to fellow corroborator on the study, Dr. Herbert Benson—the Mind/Body Medical Institute Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. This thickening of the cortex is contrary to what should happen as the brain ages so the researchers concluded that the meditation was responsible for this physical effect. “When compared to age match controls, the people who weren’t evoking the relaxation response had thinner cortexes,” commented Benson. The group that was tested ranged from 25-50-year-olds who meditated lightly—approximately 40 minutes a day. The implications of these findings could be very important, said Lazar and Benson.
After completing this study, Lazar said she believes, “The effects of meditation can counter the effect of age.” If the findings of the study can be confirmed through follow-up research, meditation could be prescribed just like any other healthcare, said Benson. Benson said he believes this study shows that meditation is just “one of scores of techniques that bring about a physiologic response.”
Meditation, according to Benson, is one of the weapons in the arsenal of fighting aging of the brain. A follow-up study is being planned by Lazar to confirm the findings of her research. In the new study, people will be tested at two points in time, once before meditation starts and once after to show the effects meditation has specifically on memory and attention, she explained. As people live longer than ever before, aging brains become a significant problem. Lazar said she hopes to shed more light on how meditation might be used to combat this aging and perhaps even reverse it.

Protection from Psychic Attack - technique

The protection techniques presented in Protected by the Light will assist you in dealing with any form of psychic attack. Some simple approaches you can take to avoid being victimized by an energy vampire are:

1. Keep your head inclined forward, and close your mouth when not speaking to this person.
2. Look only at their left eye, when meeting their gaze.
3. Fold your arms, cross your ankles or legs and place your folded arms across your solar plexus.
4. Don't sit or stand directly facing them. Here is a simple exercise to protect yourself from a psychic attack:

Imagine that your physical body is a honeycomb. You are so porous that any energy coming towards you will flow right through you without affecting you in anyway. Keep your attention completely focused on this image.

Now visualize a trap at the back of this honeycomb mesh screen. This receptacle traps any form of negative energy and immediately neutralizes it.

Perceive all of the negative energy that you are exposed passing through your aura without affecting you in any way. This negative energy now is trapped in this receptacle and is immediately neutralized.

We can all learn to strengthen our aura and protect others and ourselves against any form of psychic attack. This psychic protection also brings with it a form of empowerment like no other we have been exposed to. We can all finally learn to take control of our lives.

Courtesy: The Psychic Attacks! By Dr. Bruce Goldberg

Friday, December 23, 2005


Yercum is a milky plant that grows even in a mound of trash all over the Tamil landscape. Yercum sports small white flowers with violet veins along the edges of the petals. Children are often advised not to play with the milk of Yercum plant, as it is feared to be poisonous. Although ruthlessly destroyed if it is found in the backyard of any house, Yercum is believed to be the most favourite plant of Ganesh, the remover of all obstacles. During Ganesh Chadurthi festival there is sudden demand for Yercum flowers. Ganesh figurines made out of Yercum stems are considered to be of extraordinary significance and auspicious quality.

Lighting a Yercum fibre wick in front of Ganesh is believed to bring boons unparalleled.

Tying a Yercum fibre twine around the hip of a child is believed to cure diarrhoea and ward off any possible stomach ailments. It is possible that Yercum kills shigella, a highly virulent microbe responsible for half of all episodes of bloody diarrhoea in young children. Nobody has ever proved it yet.



Some of the folk medicinal treasures found in Chittoor district in Andhra Pradhesh are given here:
Tagubothulaku Natu Mandu (Psidium gujava) -Myrtaceae (Medicine for alcohol addicts) Leaf juice is secretly added with alcohol and given to the person who is addicted to alcohol. The person starts vomiting and feels irritation. If the therapy is repeated two or three times, the person develops a sort of aversion towards alcohol.

Vavili (Vitex negundo) and Allamu (Zingeberoficinale) (Onti Talanoppi - Migraine) Juice extracted from the leaves of vavili and rhizome of allamu is mixed in equal proportions and few drops of the juice are instilled into the nostrils to cure migraine.

Kanuga (Pongamia pinnata) – Fabaceae (Keella noppulu & Ollu noppulu - Arthritis and Body Pains) The root bark boiled in gingely oil is stored in earthen pot and given to patients suffering from chronic body pain and arthritis. The oil is given both internally and applied on the affected parts also.

Jatamansi - (Nardostachys jatamansi) –Valerianaceae (Gundello nemmu -Pneumonia) Decoction of the root powder is given two or three times a day and it is continued until the fever subsides. Wheat powder mixed in Calotropis leaf juice is applied on the chest to prevent pleurisy.

Saraswathi aku (Centellaasiatica) - Apiaceae(Teliviki - Brain Tonic)Dried plant is powdered along with Piper nigrum seeds in 10:1ratio and a mixture of 2 to 3 spoons of the powder and a glass of cow’s milk is given early morning.

Seeds of Sompu (Foeniculum vulgare), leaves ofTamala paku (Piper betel) and Honey (Recheekati - Night blindness) All the plant parts in equal proportions are added with honey to make paste. The paste is kept in a clean bottle and the paste is applied on the eyes daily.

Cotyledons of Gacchakai (Caesalpinia crista), roots of Reppala (Wrightia tinctoria) and seeds of Pokalu (Areca catechu)(Moorcha - Epilepsy) The plant parts in equal proportion are mixed with old jaggery and made into paste with water. A soap nut size paste is given daily for a fortnight.

Leaves of Veduru (Bambusa arundinacea) - Graminae(To remove a dead child from the womb)Leaf paste mixed with water is given to women for whom delivery becomes difficult leading to the death of the child in the womb.

Adavimalathi (Aganosma dichotoma) - Apocynaceae(Mutrasayamlo rallu - Stones in the urinary tract and bladder)Root powder is given with milk in the early morning for a period of two weeks.

Tulasi (Ocimum sanctum) – Lamiaceae (Chali jwaram - Malaria) A glass of root decoction is given twice a day to subside the malarial fever in 4 or 5 days.

Gurivinda (Abrus precatorius) - Fabaceae(Pandu rogam - Leucoderma) Leaf juice is applied on the white patches and exposed to the sun for an hour. Within two to three months the white patches will disappear and turn into the colour of the skin.

Ravi (Ficus religiosa) - Moraceae(Nallamanduku virugudu - drug addicts (Bhang and Opium)Decoction of stem bark is given for relief.

Vayuvidangalu (Embelia ribes), fruits of Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellerica, Emblica officinalis and latex of Calotropis gigantea (Sanna jeevalu rakunda - To drive away rats, scorpions and mosquitoes) The plant parts are dried and powdered when the powder is burned its fume drives away mosquitoes, rats and scorpions.

Root bark of Kasinatha (Cassia occidentalis) - CaesalpiniaceaeEnugukalu (Filariosis) A spoonful of paste made with ghee is given twice a day and Mimosa pudica leaf paste is applied on the affected feet until relief is achieved.

Fruit rind of Dhanimma (Punica granatum), Punicacease, Alum and Camphor (Rommulu gattipadataniki - Large, Hard breast) The fruit rind is made into paste with alum and camphor in 8:2 proportion. The paste is applied over the breast late in the evening and bandaged. The bandage is removed in the morning. This is repeated for a period of two weeks.

Nelausiri (Phyllanthus amarus) – Euphorbiaceae Pasiricalaku (Jaundice)A spoonful of paste is given early in the morning on an empty stomach along with buttermilk. This is repeated, depending upon the condition of the patient, for a week ora fortnight.

Stem bark of Tellamadhi (Terminalia arjuna) – Combretaceae (Rakthapotuku -Hypertension)Bark decoction with milk is given to the patient in the early morning.

Leaves of Saraswathi aku (Centella asiatica), dried rhizome of Allamu (Zingeber officinale) and fruits of Pipallu (Piper longum) (Clear Voice) The plant parts mixed in equal proportions are dried in shade and powdered. Half a spoonful of powder with honey is given for forty days.

Leaves of Banyan (Ficus bhengalensis)(Healing wounds and binding damaged tissues) The tender leaves are warmed in fire and wrapped around the wound or any deep cut and then the wound or deepcut is bandaged.

Latex of Banyan (Ficus bhengalensis) and fruitdecoction of Myrobalan (Terminalia chebula)(Healing wounds) The wound is washed with the Myrobalan fruitdecoction and the entire wound is drenched with the latex obtained by cutting the new branches of Banyan tree. The fresh latex is poured on the wound by holding the cut branches on the wound. For noothi or chronic ulcer, the latex is taken internally daily in a prescribed quantity.


List of Medicinal Plants Used by Narikoravas

Check the link

Tamil Names to Botanical Names

check the link

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Information about Herbal plants


Herbal healing practices for animals and birds

Check the link given

Friday, December 09, 2005


Milagu Kudineer - Pepper decoction and
Ingi Swarasam - Ginger Juice are ideal medicines that can be easily prepared.
Adathodai decoction - ½ or 1 ounces
Adathodai Manappagu -10 to 15 ml. It is given in the OPD.
Chitrarathai - A piece of this root may be Chewed and the Juice when swallowed given relief.
Nilavembu Kudineer -15 to 30 ml- It is administrat din the OPD in the dehydrated extract form.
Thulasi Decoction -15 to 30 ml. Twice a day.
Padikaraneer Koppalippu (Alum water Gargle) It is given in the OPD.
Decoction of Thiripala Choornam gargling. It is also given in the OPD.
Manathakkalai (Solanum Nigrum)
Keezhanelli paste -2 to 5 gm and
Karisalai paste - 2 to 5 gm
Kovai Ilai paste - 2 to 5 gm
Amanakku Ilai paste 2 to 5 gm. May be administrated . In our siddha OPD, drugs containing Keezhanelli and Karisalai are administratd in Tablet and syrub form for jaundice.
Logamandura chendooram 100mg. With Elathi Choornam 500 mg is to be taken with honey, It is also issued in the OPD.
Adhividaya Chooranem - 500 mg should be given three times daily with butter milk.
Thayir chundi Chooranem - 500 mg to be given with butter milk three times daily. It is given in the OPD.
Kadukkay poo decoction -15 to 30 ml
Mangusthan thol decoction - 15 to 30 ml
jadhikkai powder - 300 to 500 mg can be given.
Padika linga chendooram -100 to 200 can be given with thayir chundi choornem and butter milk twice a day. It is also given in our OPD.
Chukku paste can be applied over the forehead.
Gowri Chinthamani chendooram 100 mg with thirikadugu Choornem - 500 mg can be gioven twice daily with honey. It is used in our OPD.
Neerkovai Mathirai can be mixed with Cow's milk and applied over the forehead. It is also issued in our siddha OPD.
Swasakudori Mathirai 1 tablet twice daily.
Kasthuri Karuppu 100 mg. Twice daily.
Pavala Paspam 100 mg twice daily.
Thalisathi Choornem 500 mg twice daily.
Anda thailam 10 drops twice daily. All are used in our Siddha OPD.
Umathai Leaves (Datura Alba leaf) Umathai Leaves are dried with Vediupu and prescribed for inhalation.
Kadukkai decoction - 60 to 100 ml at bed time.
Thiripala Choornem - 5 gm at bed time.
Nilavagai Choornem - 2 to 5 gm at bed time. Both (ii) and (iii) are issued in our Siddha OPD.
Garlic (Allium Sativum) Throat Paint. Garlic juice is to be added to honey and the paint prepared is applied over the Inflammed tonsils. Continuous application of this paint will reduce the size of the enlorged tonsils.
Karpooravalli juice (Anisochilus Carmoses) karpooravalli to be chewed well and the juice swallowed
Oliguria or scanty micturation is one of the symptoms in many diseases for which simple diuretics are given to increase the urinity output.
Sirupeelai (Aerva lanata) decoction 15 to 30 ml. This acts as diuretic and Lithotropic.
Nerunjil (Tribulus Terrestalis) decoction 15 to 30 ml. Nerunjil decoction is administrator in our OPD in the form of dehydrated extract.
Mullangi Juice ½ to 1 ounce can be administered twice daily.
Vazhai Thandu juice 30 ml to 60 ml. Once a week. Vazhai thandu juice is an ideal diuretic agent and controls and prevents urinary infection. Consumption of this juice once a week is recommended.
Adutheendapalai ennai
Adutheendapalai Juice and veppennai(Neem Oil) are to be added in equal quantity and thailam prepared for external use.
mathan thailam It is prepared with the juice of oomathai. Coconut oil and mayilthutham (copper sulphate) and applied externally for ulcer. It is also issued in our OPD.
Venkara Pachai (Fried Borax Powder) it is mixed with coconut oil and applied externally for Scabies. It is issued in our OPD.
The leaves of Kuppaimeni plant are mixed with salt and made in to paste, applied externally.
Aruganpul Paste Aruganpul to be ground and mixed with manjal and used externally.
Arugan Thailam arugan Thailam is prepared from aruganpul and applied externally. This is issued in our OPD.
Pie Agathi leaf paste Pie Agathi leaves to be ground with lemon juice in to a fine paste and applied externally.
Mathan Thailam also can be applied externally. It is given in our Sidha OPD.
Amirtha Venai and Arugan Thailam can be applied ernally. It is issued in our sidha OPD
Azhavanam Leave paste and
manjal powder added with gingelly oil made into a paste can be applied externally.
Mathan Thailam and Arugan Thailam can be applied.
Vangavennai can be applied.Both (iii) and (iv) are issued in our OPD.
malai vembu Juice or decoction 20. To 50 ml. At bed time.
Kuppaimeni Juice or decoction 20 to 50 ml. Meni thailam is prepared from Kupaimeni juice and is given at bed time 50 to 30 ml.
vaivadagam powder 2 to 5 gm administrator orally with water at bed time.
Murukkan Vidhai Mathirai 1 to 2 tablets administrated orally with hot water in the early morning . This is Issued in our Siddha OPD.
Hot cooked rice added with butter for fomentation.
Padiga Panneer eye drops This drops to be instilled. This is administered in our siddha OPD.
Nandiyavattam Flower Juice.The Juice of Nandiyavattam flower to be extracted and applied as eye drops.
asoka Pattai Juice (Saraca Iundica 1 inn) Juice of Asoka bark is administered orally for bleeding from the uterus.
Noval Pattai decoction 30 to 60 ml. Is administered orally.
Imbooral Mathirai 1 to 2 tablets thrice daily. This is issued in our OPD.
vatha narayanan leaves act as antivatha agent and these leaves to be fried with castor oil and used for fomentation.
Katrazhai pal (La tex of a loevera) to be added with water and boild. Applied externally.
Poondu (allium Sativum) Juice and
Thiruneetrupachai (ocimum Basilicm) Juice are to be used as ear drops.
In siddha OPD chukku thailam is used as ear drops.

Greens and its Uses

The best diet for all ages which can be consumed as it is or in cooked medium., the richest source of vitamins and minerals.
It is an excellent source of Vitamin-A. Prevents many eye diseases and vitamin deficiency diseases.
It has lot of vitamin-B complex. Indicated in Stomatitis, Gingivitis and Apthus ulcer. It is a very well known liver stimulant.
It is a world famous liver tonic, it is used in Jaundice and Chronic liver diseases. It rejuvenates the degenerated liver cells. It is prophylactive against all liver disorders. It also improves memory. It gives clarity of thought. It is given in Tablet and Syrup form to the patients in our OPD.
It is also a liver tonic. It is useful especially in viral B Hepatitis. It is also used as Karisalai in liver diseases like Jaundice. It is also given in Tablet and Syrup form in OPD.
It keeps the mind sharp. It is given in the OPD in the Tablet form in memory disturbances, behavioural disorders, Anxiety and stress related anxiety disorders, Mental Fatigue, Speech defects and in supportive Therapy in mild to molerate mental retardation. It improves memory.
This is a very good source of Vitamin B complex in addition to its phosphorous and calcium content. This prevents many Urinary disorders by promoting diuresis and its litholytic action prevents calculus in even chronic patients.
Prevents calculus in the Kidney by its dieuretic action
Kovai, (COECNIA INDICA) AND Pakal (Bitter guar-Memordica Charantia) acts a hypology caemic agents in established diabetes and checks the pre-disposing factors in a prone diabetic.
They are good of all ages and a good source of vitamins, minerals and sugar. They act as a good nutritive and laxative. Lemon and pomogranut act as antiemetic. Madualai is given in the syrup form as Madulai Manappagu in our OPD.
It is useful in vomiting and indegestion useful in dyspepsia, Burning sensation in chest and in anorexia. It is also given in morning sickness. It can be given in Travel Sickness also. It is administered in the syrup form as Thurunji Manappagu in our OPD.
It acts as Laxative and antianaemic. It is one of the ingredients in Drakshathi Choornam whichis administered in our OPD.
It acts as Laxative. It prevents cough and cold. It acts as appetizer and Tonic. It is useful in thirst, body heat, cough, hoarseness of the voice and consumption. It is also one of the incredients in Drakshathi Choornam which is given in our OPD.
It is the richest source of vitamin C. Nellikkay is useful on treating cough, Cold Sore throat and respiratory tract infection. It protects cells from free radical damage. It prevents cough and cold. It is one of incredients in Thiripala Choornam which is administered in our OPD.
It is a gentle bowel cleaner that has Laxatrive properties. It helps maintain regular bowel movement and ensures the comfort of smooth evaculation. It is also useful in treating constipation and Haemorrhoids. When it is taken as powder form during night times it rejuvenates body. It acts as a Kalpa Medicine. It is also one of the ingredient in Thiripala Choornam which is administered in our OPD.
It is soaked in Honey after removing the skin. When it is taken in the early morning it improves appetite. It prevents cough and cold.
It is in dry form. It is purified after removing the outer skin. When its powder taken along with food in the noon it improves appetite. It acts as Kalpa Medicine. It rejuvenates the body. The powder is one of the ingredient in Thirikadugu Chooranam which is given in our OPD.
It is commonly used as green in our South Indian Food. It acts as a Liver Tonic. It is useful for efficient Kidney and Urinary Function. It helps and tones up the urinary system. It is indicated in urinary tract infection.
It builds a body's resistence to infections. It improves the immune system and is useful in condition which reduces the body's in-built immunity, convalescence after prolonged illness etc. It is useful in peptic ulcer. It is one of the ingredients in Seenthil Choornam; which is administered in our OPD.
It is an Anti - stress agent that imparts a sense of well being and helps in coping with life's daily stresses. Ammukkara is useful in controlling stress disorders, arthritis, Diabetes, Sleeplessness and general debility. It is also am kalpa Medicine. It is one of the ingradient in Ammukkara Ilagam which is administrated in our OPD
20. VILVAM(Aegle Maralos)
It is one of the Kalpa Medicines. It takes care of Intestinal problems. It has disgestive, anthelmintic anti inflammatory properties. Also useful in worm infestation and intestinal ulcers and in the treatement of Amoebic dysentry and diarrhoea.
It has anti-Microbial and anti-inflammatory properties and useful in respiratory tract infections like dry and wet cough, cold and sore throat.
Its expressed Juice is mixed with equal quantity of Gingelly Oil and boiled and prepared as thaila. If this Thaila is taken as Head bath, it Prevents head ache due to cold . It prevents cough and cold.
It supports the lung function and it useful in Bronchitis, wooping cough and Bronchial Asthma. It also has immune-boosting properties.
It is also one of the ingradients in Adathodai Manappagu which is administered in our OPD.
It cools the body . Improves the appetite, controls the bowel movement. It improves immunity. It removes toxins from the body. It is also one of the ingredients in Seeraka Chooranam and Asaithailam which is used in siddha system.
It helps in controlling the excess conversion of lipids and cholesterol. It has anti rheumatic property. It's extract mixed with equal quantity of honey . It is called as Poondu then. It is applied externally over the inflamed tonsils.
Equal Quantity tender Nochi leaf and dry ginger powder added with sugar and ghee and prepared as ilagam. When it is taken for 48 days it will improve immunity and longevity. It is also one of the ingredients in the Nochi Thailam. Which is administered in our OPD for Headache, Cough, Cold, and Body Pain.

To Heal and/or To Harm


Varmam Video Clips

Some video clips of varmam

1.Manickavasagam demonstrating a neck strike and leg trip on Karunakaran.2. Manickavasagam demonstrating varmam face strikes on Karunakaran.3. Manickavasagam demonstrating varmam elbow lock on Karunakaran.4. Silambam wrist-lock defense against an overhead strike.5. Silambam joint lock and reversal.

Eighteen Yogic Marma Regions and Main Corresponding Marmas

Eighteen Yogic Marma Regions and Main Corresponding Marmas

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Varmam Books

Varma Suthram
Varma Beerangi
Naalu Maathirai
Narambu Suthram 100
Narambu Suthram 400
Varma Odivu Murivu Sara Suthram 1500
Alavunool Piramaanam
Varma Odivu Murivu Kandasaari 300
Varma Thoondamani
Aksakkural Venba 300

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